Different types of Flowers in your Garden

Different types of Flowers are the signs of love, affection, friendship, calmness, serenity and peace. Man has always been fascinated by flowers. Flowering plants or angiosperms are a widely diverse group of plants, with over 250,000 species worldwide.
They appeared relatively recent in the geological history and quickly evolved and spread. Today, flowers can be found in most any ecosystem on the planet, providing the basis for wildlife distribution and diversity.During the Middle Ages, flowers were used in politics and ritual. The Victorian era placed high value on them, with the wearing of flowers equated with being well-dressed. Folklore is also filled with stories and remedies of flowers--from curing colds to soothing a broken heart.

Flowers, through reproduction, provide seeds and food, which is perhaps their most important function. Some flowers, such as mullein with its anti-inflammatory properties, have medicinal uses. Flowers have other non-tangible benefits.

Flowers are classified in this way: 
Complete and Incomplete Flowers
Unisexual and Bisexual Flowers
Superior or Inferior Ovaries
Hypogynous, Epigynous, and Perigynous Flowers
Regular and Irregular Flowers

Different types of Flowers:

Alstroemeria: Color of these flowers are white, pink, red and yellow colors.The Alstroemeria flower is the flower of friendship. It also symbolizes wealth, fortune and prosperity.

Amaryllis: Amaryllis flowers bloom from a bulbous plant. The amaryllis flower is a symbol of splendid beauty.

Anemone: Anemones represent the feeling of being forsaken or the fading of hope. On the positive side, the anemone symbolizes anticipation

Anthurium: These are very small flowers. It is the symbol of hospitality but the flower is also used to represent abundance and happiness.

Aster: Aster flowers are one and a half inches wide and typically bloom from June to October. The blooms are very similar to daisies, although they have much brighter colors such as lavender, purple, red, and pink.

Birds of Paradise: Native to South America, birds of Paradise is also known as the crane flower. The name comes from the appearance of the bloom which looks similar to exotic.

Bouvardia: Bouardia flowers are native to Central America and each bloom can have single or double flowers shaped like stars protruding from a thin neck. It also doubles up as a symbol of zest for life.

Calla Lily: Calla lilies combine beauty and magnificence with the innocence and purity associated with the color white making the them perfect for wedding bouquets.

Carnations: These are very popular florist flowers. They symbolize beauty and pride. Pink Carnations symbolize the love of a mother or a woman; red carnations symbolize love, admiration and pride; yellow carnations symbolize rejection, disdain or disappointment; stripped carnations are used to convey a message of refusal; purple carnations symbolize capriciousness while white carnations are a symbol of pure love and innocence.

Chrysanthemum: There are hundreds of varieties of chrysanthemum.

Rose: Roses vary by region, time of the year and local weather conditions. The rose signifies love in its various forms.

Daffodils, Cymbidium Orchid, Daisies, Sweet Pea, Sunflower, Iris this different types of flowers also has a varieties meaning.